Task Force Spartan

Welcome to Task Force Spartan Training Center

Welcome to the official training hub of Task Force Spartan! Below, you’ll find all the key training documents and resources to sharpen your skills and excel in our Milsim operations. Dive in, learn, and prepare to lead the charge. Welcome to the team!

Task Force Spartan

Task Force Spartan

Oath of Enlistment - Task Force Spartan

I, [Name/Gamertag], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully serve Task Force Spartan, upholding the values of Discipline, Integrity, Teamwork, and Excellence. I pledge to follow the established Rules and Regulations of the unit and to respect the authority and orders of my Commanding Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers, executing them to the best of my ability.

I commit to maintaining professionalism and respect both within the unit and in all public interactions, representing Task Force Spartan with honor at all times. I will support my teammates and contribute to the success of our missions, upholding the standards and reputation of Task Force Spartan.

I understand that my actions reflect upon the unit, and I accept the responsibility to perform my duties with dedication and resolve. So help me achieve our goals and maintain the highest standards of Milsim excellence.

Unit Standards / Rules and Regulations 

Unit Standards / Rules and Regulations

Discipline Introduction:

Discipline is a cornerstone value of Task Force Spartan. Our discipline is what sets us apart from other Units. It does not matter if you are the only member of TFS on a server; if you are wearing our uniform you are representing Task Force Spartan and you will adhere to our standards or lose the right to wear the uniform.



Training discipline.

Firing Discipline.

Security Discipline.


Chain of Command:


Customs and Courtesies:


Attendance Policy:

Active Duty

Leave of Absence


In-Game Courtesies:


Discord Channels:

Once you complete your BCT you will be given the rank of Private at which point more channels will be viewable for you.


Disciplinary Actions:


We consider members of Task Force Spartan to be part of a brotherhood. We are a team that focuses on learning real military tactics from Veteran and currently enlisted service members. For those that wish to make the commitment to become a Spartan you will be held to the same high standards that we hold all of our dedicated members to. In return you will gain access to an abundance of knowledge as well as a one-of-a-kind MilSim experience.

Welcome to Task Force Spartan.

Task Force Spartan Rules and Regs.docx